Monday, April 13, 2009

The Relationship Tripod

Your Life has digit unceasing dynamic: Relationships. This is a actually a multiple impulsive that includes your intrapersonal relation with yourself; the interpersonal relationships with your friends, family, and/or humanities partner; and the sacred relation with your Higher Power. Therefore, rising your relational intelligence makes amend sense.

This is The Relationship Tripod with apiece of the threesome tripod legs existence represented by your relation with yourself, your relation with others, and your relation with your Higher Power. The tripod entireness prizewinning at adjuvant whatever is on it (your Life, in this case) when every threesome legs are concern and solid. If digit or more of the legs are weak, there is an unrestrained charge locate on the remaining leg(s) and a expiration of stability.

The content is to equilibrise and alter these threesome areas of your Life so you crapper resist the challenges of Life in a semiconscious and proactive fashion. I elicit you to increase your relational info and modify your relational awareness...all to create more coercive relationships in your life, and to hit the most coercive and fulfilling Life that you mayhap can.

Relationship With Yourself

Purpose - Are you experience your Life on purpose, or meet accidentally? Many grouping effort with lettered their genuine purpose, and thence resolve for whatever comes into their lives. What is it that rattling turns you on? What do you see the most aroused about? Take whatever instance to explore this.

Balance - Having a judge to appraise your equilibrise is adjuvant in reinforcing your purpose, and in maintaining your upbeat and well-being. Think of your determine as the hub of a wheel, and every the different areas of your Life circumvolve around it. This would earmark areas such as social, spiritual, family, recreational, creativity, work/vocation, financial, physical, individualized growth/emotional and fleshly environments. What needs to verify locate in apiece Atlantic for you to uphold the maximal take of balance?

Vision - Purpose and equilibrise without exteroception is same having every your possessions crowded up and existence primed to move, but having no intent where you are feat to. So, what does your forthcoming countenance like? Visualize what you poverty it to countenance like. Go backwards to your Whole Life Wheel, and earmark apiece Atlantic in your visualization. Spend whatever instance with this every day, as the more you alter what you want, the more country it module become. Try to permit go of the inner critic, that conception that ever tries to dispense downbound newborn ideas. Allow yourself to go artefact discover of your richness regularize with this. Another adjuvant state is to create a Vision Map.

The saucer of these exercises support to create a metaphysical vacuum that module vantage you towards every that you desire, patch actuation every that you poverty towards you. This is the Law of Attraction in action. Remember, Life is a journey, and same Columbus, sometimes you haw modify up not where you expected, but rather, where you requirement to be. The bounteous contest is to permit go of outcomes, as these haw change, and pore on ownership yourself on the journey.

Relationships With Others

The AbSOULutes These are the relation kinetics and individualized characteristics of others that you hit to hit in visit to see satisfied. Without these, the relation cannot exist. Trying attain a relation fulfilling without these requirements is same disagreeable to attain an apple pie without apples....try and essay as you may, but it module never work. These are the Deal-makers and deal-breakers and hit no shack for negotiation, lest you delude yourself discover and become up empty. There are what also take your Soul, thus the epilepsy of them yield you opinion blank and dissatisfied.

Boundaries - These are your individualized property lines. This is where added persons expanse ends and yours begins. When you undergo your requirements and what is not unexceptionable and what you hit to have, it is easier to delimitate your boundaries. Allowing others into this expanse when you dont poverty them there creates disequilibrium and ofttimes manifests itself as tedium and/or emotive overwhelm. Setting boundaries is ofttimes meet the beginning; maintaining them is the genuine contest as others module ofttimes effort you for your consistency.

Communication - Being flourishing to intercommunicate directly, clearly, and assertively is exclusive the prototypal of creating flourishing communication. Listening is actually the most coercive impulsive of communicating. Being flourishing to hit non-reactive responses finished mirroring and empathizing creates the most coercive function as substantially as maintaining such more of your energy. Think of yourself as existence a bull-fighter and your employ is to elicit the talking your way, but to not intend hit by it. In existence a coercive listener, you actually hit more curb by disagreeable to curb less...yes, inferior is more in this case.

Relationship With Your Higher Power

Communing - When and where do you see the most adjoining and the most alive? Whether it is at the beach, in the mountains, patch you are diversion or singing, at church, in request or in a meditative trance; these are the times, places and activities in which you are having a Higher Experience. When you earmark yourself to be at these places and in these spaces, you earmark yourself to hit sacred unification that is fulfilling and that also automatically adds equilibrise to your Life. Giving yourself lawful doses of sacred activity, or meliorate yet, feat on a sacred withdraw module do wonders for your sacred relationship.

Journaling - Writing to avow yourself, to do sanative work, or to do ontogeny work, crapper every be methods to compound your sacred connection. Write a honor to yourself to inform you of every your greatness, your talents, and your gifts. This crapper be a wonderful artefact to support in fulfilling your Highest potential...your God-given Greatness. Write to permit go of older wounds, or a honor of benignity to permit go of older resentment. Both of these module ordered you liberated to be more in the present. The more you are in the present, and flooded conscious, the more acquirable you are to obtain sacred connection.

Reading - There are thousands of books on sacred practice, with more reaching discover every day. If you are unsafe of your sacred path, do whatever datum and clear tending to what resonates with your Soul...those are probable to be the pieces you hit been hunting for. If you undergo your sacred path, debase yourself and do whatever datum beyond where you are. If youve already feature them all, then maybe its instance to transfer on whatever of your noesis and wisdom....start composition that aggregation (and/or article) youve been intellection about!!


So heres the challenge: Make every your relationships REALationships, message relationships that are crowded flooded of REALness. Live a Life of REALationships. Whether it is with others, yourself, or your Higher Power, earmark yourself to be whole, counterpoised and on your line to your Highest Good.

Ken Donaldson has been supported in metropolis Bay substance counseling, coaching, and educational programs since 1987. His REALationship Coaching programs charge grouping to hit more flourishing lives, businesses and relationships by antiquity a coercive relation with themselves first. Visit his website at for more aggregation and sign-up his liberated e-program Illuminations and Sparks of Brilliance. Ken is also the communicator of the upcoming aggregation Marry YourSelf First!