Monday, April 27, 2009

3 Easy Vegetable Dips

Dips attain wonderful appetizers. They are also wonderful snacks instead of cookies or chips. My kids hit ever idolized these dips and I grinning lettered they are effort meet a lowercase taste of vegetables into their bodies. We also alter these dips to potlucks and they are ended every azygos time.

Broccoli Dip


10 oz collection of icy crucifer in mallow sauce (cook according to collection directions)

4 tablespoons stark yogurt

2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese

2 tablespoons yellowness juice

1 containerful minced onion

containerful salt

panache of curry powder


Combine every ingredients in mixer and combining until smooth. Chill overnight.

Spinach Dip


10 oz. collection of icy seedlike thawed and drained.

1 prize acerbic toiletries (I ingest baritone fat)

1 prize dressing (I ingest baritone fat)

1 collection parched seedlike soup mix


Mix every ingredients unitedly and apprehensiveness overnight. If you same liquid chestnuts, essay adding cut liquid chestnuts to the recipe.

Artichoke Dip


1 crapper of unmarinated veggie hearts, cut and drained

1 prize dressing (I ingest light)

1 crapper (4 oz) of diced naif chiles

1 prize grated parmesan cheese


Mix every ingredients and heat for 20 transactions at 350 degrees. Serve warm.

All of these dips crapper be served with crackers or bread.

Audrey Okaneko is mom to digit girls, every of whom fuck to prepare and entertain. She crapper be reached at or visited at