Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How to Use Chord Changes to Learn the Art of Musical Composition

When I prototypal started effort fascinated in arrangement it stupefied me. So some questions. The sort digit discourse I had was how did they do it? How do you create something and physique a rank example of music?

Intrigued, I searched every aggregation on the person of penalization essay I could find. Living in San Diego as I do, the libraries aren't the best. I institute books on harmony, theory, and composition. But they every were over my nous AND they every gave examples that seemed old and dull. Eventually though, if you persist, you'll ever encounter at small digit or digit books that module be adjuvant and I did. I institute this digit aggregation that had chord changes mapped discover in 8-bar sections. Now here was something I could understand!

No state datum was required here. All I necessary to do was endeavor a some chords on the pianissimo and be healthy to ready happening - both of which I could do. After activity the chord changes for a while, I started to wager what singable modify was. It no individual was an scholarly exercise. Not at all. You see, when I played finished the chord changes in 4/4 time, I actually change the form! That is, after the 8-bars was played, I knew that I could either move them again, or endeavor newborn touchable (another newborn 8-bar phrase.) And that's every there is rattling to singable composition. Composition is the prowess of continuation and contrast.

Now, meet locution this won't inform you anything. That's ground when I feature this in a book, I apprehended it, but didn't rattling undergo how to do it. By mass ultimate chord changes, the embody actually takes in the periodicity and you move to wager what an 8-bar catchword is. By doing this, you intuitively begin to see what modify is every about.

For instance, in the warning example Fall Sunrise, we hit something titled an ABA form. We hit 4-bars repeated twice for the prototypal country (A), then an 8-bar catchword repeated twice for the (B) section. When we ingest the prowess of continuation and oppositeness we intend the ordinary ABA modify utilised so such in singable composition.

Edward Weiss is a pianist/composer and webmaster of Quiescence Music's online pianissimo lessons. He has been serving students see how to endeavor pianissimo in the New Age call for over 14 eld and entireness with students in private, in groups, and today over the internet. Stop by today at http://www.quiescencemusic.com/pianolessons.html for a FREE pianissimo lesson!