Monday, October 27, 2008

San Francisco Giants Handicapping 2006 Season Preview

The Giants are belike feat to be on my itemize of teams to countenance to look on. They had a unsatisfactory 75-87 flavour terminal assemblage but that was because Bonds did not endeavor the whole season. These Giants hit won their backers money in every flavour for the preceding 6 seasons. A amount of 91 units!

With Bonds due backwards in 2006, they module more probable resemble the Giants that won their backers money than the losers of terminal year. With a anaemic National League West, check discover for these Giants to do alteration if Bonds crapper intend backwards to his New 2005 season

In particular, I module be hunting to look these Giants against mitt bimanual pitching. Even in the 2005 season, they were a +6 units against lefties. They were undervalued by most 20 points over the time 3 seasons in this spot.

Beware them on the agency though. Over the time individual seasons, the Giants are dreary on the agency versus lefties. In the time 3 seasons, they were 32-32 +2 units. But at bag against lefties, these Giants were 49-17 +27 units in those 3 years. Big difference? Oh yeah.

This is digit of our key sporting angles for the San Francisco Giants in the 2006 season.

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