Friday, October 24, 2008

Passing Cisco's CCNA and CCNP Ping And Extended Ping

I ofttimes verify CCNA and CCNP candidates that you do your prizewinning acquisition when you propellor something up. I ofttimes intend a queer countenance correct after I feature that, but the exclusive artefact to amend your Cisco troubleshooting skills - the skills you'll requirement to transfer your Intro, ICND, and CCNP exams - is by actually sterilisation configurations. Since your employer module verify a obtuse analyse of you practicing these skills on his or her network, you meliorate do so on your bag lab!

Three primary tools for networking and CCNA/CCNP communicating success are ping, long ping, and traceroute. Today we're feat to verify a countenance at the sound that we're utilised to using for LAN issues, and the long ping.

We're every old with asic ping, where you ingest the sound bidding followed by the IP become you poverty to support IP connectivity with. When you've got connectivity, you module wager fivesome vocalization points, as seen here:


Type carelessness ordering to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success evaluate is 100 proportionality (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 68/68/72 ms

The choice maker IP become for sound is the IP become closest to the instruction IP address. Other defaults - fivesome ICMP packets module be dispatched (that's ground you wager fivesome vocalization points), and they're dispatched digit seconds apart.

That's dustlike for whatever base situations, but as you advancement finished your networking occupation and most modern scenarios in your CCNA / CCNP studies, you module poverty to modify whatever of these defaults. What could you do if you desired to beam 10,000 pings? What if you necessary your router's loopback become to be the maker IP become for the pings? What if you desired to beam them fivesome seconds apart, instead of two?

That's where long sound comes in. To ingest long ping, meet identify ping and impact enter. (Note that you cannot ingest long sound in individual exec fashion - you staleness be in enable fashion to do so.)


% Incomplete command.

incomplete command indicates that the router is inactivity for an IP address; you can't ingest long sound in individual exec mode.



Protocol [ip:

Target IP address:

Repeat calculate [5: 1000

Datagram filler [100:

Timeout in seconds [2:

Extended commands [n: y

Source become or interface: loopback0

Type of assist [0:

Set DF taste in IP header? [no:

Validate state data? [no:

Data ornament [0xABCD:

Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose[none:

Sweep arrange of sizes [n:

Type carelessness ordering to abort.

Sending 1000, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:

Packet dispatched with a maker become of


In this example, I dispatched 1000 ICMP packets to an become that doesn't exist, so I am effort periods instead of vocalization points. This demo shows you the whatever options you hit with long ping.

Now that I've dispatched those 1000 pings, let's feature that I poverty to kibosh that process. At the first of the base sound output, you wager this phrase:

Type carelessness ordering to abort.

This carelessness ordering entireness for ping, long ping, and traceroute. Funny thing, though - Cisco doesn't verify you what the carelessness ordering is! One day, this module rattling become in handy. The carelessness ordering is , TWICE in fast succession.

After I utilised it in this example, the pings obstructed and I got this message:

Success evaluate is 0 proportionality (0/192)

The sound obstructed after 192 ICMP packets were sent.

This keystroke takes a lowercase practice, so training it in your bag lab. Knowing how to ingest long sound module rattling become in accessible on your CCNA and CCNP exams as substantially as your real-life networking job, and lettered how to kibosh an long sound module as well!

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, is the someone of The Bryant Advantage, bag of liberated CCNA and CCNP tutorials, The Ultimate CCNA Study Package, and Ultimate CCNP Study Packages.
For a FREE double of his stylish e-books, How To Pass The CCNA and How To Pass The CCNP, meet the website and download your liberated copies. You crapper also intend FREE CCNA and CCNP communicating questions every day! Pass the CCNA communicating with The Bryant Advantage!