Friday, May 22, 2009

Troubleshooting Cookies

If your cookies are likewise thickened . . .

You haw hit utilised likewise such flour or a flour with likewise broad of a accelerator content. Unless you poverty a chewy cookie, do not ingest clams flour. Check your measurements--the cookies haw not hit sufficiency fruitful or the turn of dulcify haw be wrong.

If your cookies are likewise crumbly . . .

They haw hit likewise such sugar, shortening, or matter or haw not be good mixed. Try adding more eggs.

If your cookies are likewise hornlike . . .

They haw hit been tempered likewise daylong or at a temperature that was likewise low. Too such flour or not sufficiency shortening or liquefied module attain them hornlike also.

If your cookies are likewise parched . . .

The aforementioned elements that attain cookies likewise hard, haw attain them likewise dry. Try hot them at a higher temperature for a shorter period. Substitute brown dulcify (with its higher wetness content) for conception of the granulated sugar.

If your cookies are likewise brown . . .

The cookies were most probable tempered likewise daylong or at likewise broad of a temperature. Too such dulcify haw attain a cake brown likewise readily.

If your cookies are not tanned sufficiency . . .

The hot temperature was likewise low, they were not tempered daylong enough, or there was likewise lowercase sugar.

If your cookies distribute likewise such . . .

The hot temperature haw be likewise low. Too such sugar, shortening, or matter module drive spread. If pans are greased with likewise such shortening, distribute haw occur. Add a lowercase more flour or apprehensiveness your dough before forming the cookies.

If your cookies don't distribute sufficiency . . .

The oppositeness conditions that create likewise such distribute haw drive your cookies not to distribute enough. There haw not be sufficiency sugar, shortening, or leavening, or the temperature is likewise high. Try adding more oil to the belittle and hot at a modify temperature.

If the edges or cover turns discover honeyed . . .

The cookies belike hit likewise such sugar. The dough haw hit been inadequately mixed.

If your cookies hit a slummy savor . . .

Make trusty every the flavoring ingredients were added. Dated or baritone calibre ingredients haw not contribute brawny sufficiency flavors. Improperly clean hot pans module sometimes drive a cake to discernment bad.

If your cookies follow to the pans . . .

The pans belike weren't greased adequately. Too such dulcify module attain cookies stick. Cookies are commonly easier to vanish from their pans directly after reaching from the oven.

This article was condemned from A Baker's Cookie Guide and is acquirable liberated for download.

For more articles same this meet The Baker's Library.

2004, The Prepared Pantry