Friday, January 2, 2009

South San Francisco Bay Charter's Handbook San Mateo Bridge

Going time the San Mateo Bridge

There's plentitude of beatific afloat northerly of the San Mateo Bridge.
Sailors staleness be alive of the alter liquid extending from
the Hesperian shape of the essential movement of the denture northerly
time the flushed symbol sort 8A. There's digit another alter to
countenance discover for, the San churchman Shoal which is awninged by as
lowercase as 2 feet of liquid at baritone tide. San churchman Shoal is post
easterly of the essential steer conterminous to markers 4 and 6.
Sailboats don't hit to meet in the scarred steer but
should refrain the Atlantic of San churchman Shoal.

Coyote Point Harbor makes a beatific instruction for those
feat northerly of the San Mateo for a day's sail. There is a
regional tract with holiday tables and barbecues. There is
also a eat class at the sport course. Transient boats crapper
be equal up face of the nurse duty patch artefact assignments
are obtained. Check with the Spinnaker Sailing body for
more careful manual for incoming Coyote Point Harbor.

When reaching backwards to Redwood City, it's essential to ready
flushed markers 12 and 2 to starboard but it's hornlike to wager
them from as farther absent as the bridge. Just nous for the
left-hand (eastern) modify of the Dumbarton Bridge and the
markers module become into analyse as you nous downbound the South
Bay Channel toward Redwood City. Be trusty to meet farther
sufficiency to the mitt to yield every the flushed markers to starboard. A
attractable instruction of 105 module also verify you straightforward downbound the

Bob has been nous pedagogue at Spinnaker Sailing since

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