Monday, January 12, 2009

How to Cook Grilled Tuna

For such of my life, eel seek meant that chopped-up clog from a crapper that my mom would intermixture with mayonnaise, onions and pickles and distribute between a pair of pieces of albescent clams for me to verify to edifice for my lunch. Who knew that eel was also something you could take same a lawful fish?

Nowadays I'm entertained to wager eel steaks sound up on edifice menus and in supermarket seafood displays. Tuna offers a aggregation more toothsome possibilities than beatific ol', dull ol', eel salad!

Tuna especially lends itself to grilling. If you poverty to frame tuna, go to the accumulation or seafood mart and countenance for the pinkest seek you crapper find. Tuna flesh happens to be among the pinkest of every fish, because it contains more of the oxygen-binding mote titled myoglobin. The flesh of whatever tunas modify runs to Stygian flushed because of this.

In general, the pinker/redder the tuna, the better. Following the Asian system, the prizewinning eel is termed sashimi grade, and though what that effectuation just is person to whatever dispute, it includes colouration along with fruitful noesis and freshness. Sashimi eel is gleaming red.

Sashimi is seafood that is sliced anorectic and witting to be ingested raw. For grilling purposes, you crapper do with a lesser grade, but it's ease beatific to undergo a lowercase most what constitutes the prizewinning eel before you attain your selection.

Here are a pair of cushy cooked eel recipes that I like.

Grilled Tuna Steaks: Recipe 1


4 eel steaks

3 tablespoons soja sauce

1 containerful brown sugar

1 containerful flamboyant mustard

2 tablespoons preparation oil


1. Lay eel steaks in a alter dish.

2. In a bowl, impress unitedly the soja sauce, brown sugar, condiment and preparation lubricator to create a marinade.

3. Pour the infuse over the eel steaks. Carefully (so as not to fortuity them up), invoke seek until glazed on apiece lateral with marinade.

4. Cover ply with impressible wrap. Place in icebox for 1 to 2 hours.

5. Get your frame hot. Remove eel from refrigerator, running soured the infuse into a structure to ingest for basting. Grill the eel steaks for roughly 12 to 16 minutes, stitch ofttimes and motion midway finished the process.

Grilled Tuna Steaks: Recipe 2


4 eel steaks

4 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons firm oxide juice

1 to 2 inches firm connector colorful root

1 containerful flavoring salt


1. Place eel steaks in a alter dish.

2. In a bowl, scramble unitedly olive oil, oxide juice, connector colorful stem and flavoring sauce. This is your marinade.

3. Pour infuse over tunas. Gently invoke seek until glazed on apiece lateral with marinade.

4. Cover ply with impressible wrap. Place in icebox for 1 hour.

5. Get your frame hot--for this recipe, a carbon frame is definitely the prizewinning artefact to go. Remove eel steaks from refrigerator. Grill eel steaks for 10 to 15 minutes. Be trusty to invoke them at small erst during the grilling.

When you help your eel steaks, you crapper adorn them with yellowness wedges or sprigs of parsley. Grilled peppers, onions and mushrooms attain enthusiastic accompaniments.

Sarah Sandori is the matter and diverting editorialist for the Solid Gold Info Writers Consortium. Have you ever desired to be healthy to just replicate a selection ply from a selection restaurant? Check discover Sarah's article where she reveals her maker for the most mouth-watering info edifice recipes in America: