Friday, January 23, 2009

GPS Vehicle Tracking Data What Do I Get

What aggregation is provided by GPS container chase systems? Here is a unofficial and examples of how you could ingest accumulation provided by GPS chase devices:

Location data: Latitude and longitude provided in degrees, transactions and seconds. It is faithful to 33 feet, which is as faithful as whatever advertizement GPS device. A vehicles positioning is updated at intervals of between 2 - 15 minutes. The accepted update quantity varies between manufacturers or crapper be ordered by the someone (optional).

  • Who is closest to the client that meet called? See where every your employees are by checking the map. Never again call an employee meet to encounter discover where they are!

Speed calculation: Rate of shitting in miles per hour. Movement in immoderateness of a planned pace (standard) or owner-set pace (optional) triggers an alert, dispatched to the owner.

  • Are employees routinely speeding? Speeding causes unrestrained dress and wastes gasoline. Your vehicles equal your consort to the public; what category of an ikon is presented by a motion or recklessly-driven consort vehicle?

Present direction: Compass content the container is traveling, spoken as north, south, easterly or west.

  • Is employee X en line to the client or leaving their location?

Geofence use: A 'virtual' TRUE boundary, created by the owner. Crossing this bounds triggers an signal which is dispatched to the owner. The alerts are commonly e-mail messages or semiautomatic ring calls from the grouping to the user, including the container identification, date/time of crossing, positioning of crossover and more, depending upon the system. A Geofence crapper be 1/4 knot to 20+ miles in diameter.

  • Is a conveying pushcart forthcoming the warehouse? Is the receipts open?

Alerts: An semiautomatic e-mail, dispatched to the owner, with the date, time, location, finding and another content attendant to whatever circumstance which has occurred and deserves your attention. Alerts are triggered when a container exceeds a planned pace or crosses a Geofence boundary, for example.

  • Email alerts crapper be dispatched to your Blackberry or takeout device. You crapper guardian your consort patch discover of the duty or absent from your desk.

Fastest pace report: A regular inform of apiece vehicle's fastest speed.

  • Why was employee Y dynamical 80 m.p.h.?

Historical data: A achievement of every accumulation attendant to apiece vehicle, serviceable for 90 days.

  • Which vehicles averaged the most miles unvoluntary apiece day? Export container accumulation to an Excel Worksheet to study fecundity between employees.

Ignition on/off: Time, fellow and positioning of apiece happening where a vehicle's kindling was overturned on or off.

  • When was Hooters edifice place on employee Zs route?

Idle report: Time, date, positioning and continuance of apiece happening where a container remained nonmoving patch the engine was running. Owner crapper change the continuance of indolent allowed before a inform is generated.

  • Idling the engine wastes render and causes extra wear. Employee Zs container idled twice as daylong as employee Ys vehicle; perhaps employee Z should winking soured his vehicles engine when making deliveries.

Accumulated distance alert: An signal dispatched at 3,000 miles, 5,000 miles or at an owner-set quantity (optional) as a reminder to action healthful maintenance.

  • Email: happening to hit the lubricator denaturized on container A.

Location on demand: The knowledge to post and pass positioning content when requested, disregarding of when the terminal regular update occurred.

  • Where is employee Y? I requirement to encounter him correct now!

Map detail: Vehicle positioning is displayed on a street map, which the someone crapper increase or turn to wager more or inferior transpose detail.

  • Employee A says Main Street is winking for construction, what is the incoming street West?

Landmarks: Reference points which haw or haw not be circumpolar on the transpose created to appoint locations essential to the grouping user. Landmarks could be client locations, the users shop, warehouse, equipment offices, etc.

  • Who has been to the depot today?

Breadcrumbs: When requested by the owner, a dawdle of points crapper be displayed on the map, indicating a vehicle's line during a destined happening period.

  • Do routes intersection between container A and container B?

Many GPS chase grouping providers substance added information, but, as I wish you crapper see, modify this itemize of base accumulation module provide you every the content you requirement to control your vehicles.

Ken Sink, someone of My Vehicle WatchDog, is a stager with 20+ eld of installation experience, including fast direction of over 800 vehicles. Visit http://www.MyVehicleWatchDog.Info for more aggregation most GPS container chase systems from Fleet Management Solutions, Networkfleet and Sprint/Nextel. Submit your content for a quick, no-obligation grouping quote. Quantity discounts for intensity purchases.