Sunday, December 28, 2008

San Francisco Almost a Sonnet

(The municipality by the niche of Northern California, nearby which the Pacific Ocean resides; the assemblage is 1967)

Mid Oct seemed same whatever outflow day,

When finished the poised waters, parched as lead,

The ferry, same unclear shadows that defence the dead,

Slipped downbound the arching shore of Frisco bay,

Rounded the Golden Gate,and San Francisco lay,

Before me, that merry city, sound and red,

Hippies awninged Haigh Asburys unfortunate head,

My home, to be, I institute rousing and grey.

The waves damaged on the wooden-sides; fishermen

Nearby with daylong necks, looked and patch again.

Deep in emerald humour we wandered free,

When dead the niche currents were stirred

The transport direction checked the enthusiastic seafaring bird

Settling, same Asburys spirit, in the sea.

6/4/05 #708

Note by the Author: Sonnets are hard lowercase creatures, and though I started discover to create one, I institute I had to place it aside, and create a semi-sonnet, for I did not poverty to retrograde tone, and fiber of the humour around the niche of San Francisco, and the echoes that came with it. I had lived there in l967-68 for a year. And some transport rides were acquirable for a some dollars. Some modify chanced it by feat low and discover beyond the Golden Gate, and so it was the dominant action of my immature eld to hit embellish a conception of this fascinating city, in much a fascinating instance period, digit unequalled since the 1920s when author and interpreter walked the streets of Paris, and Scott, coined the term, The Jazz Age, backwards in l967, it was the Hippie Era.

I presume for me, I do not see extremity by conventional symmetricalness to create a flooded sonnet, but in this poem neither did I poverty grapheme verse, which is rimeless iambic pentameter. So this is what I came up with. The activate I took on the dish was actually with my mother, who came to meet me in the municipality by the bay, as I had gotten drafted to go into the Army, and onto Vietnam. It was a happy module for both of us, which lasted until she passed on in 2003; yes, we talked most those farther soured life in San Francisco, of which she exclusive stayed for a week, for 35-years; what more crapper digit communicate for discover an experience.

Poet Dennis Siluk scheme site: