Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cisco CCNA CCNP Home Lab Tutorial The 2501 Router

To be genuinely embattled for your CCNA and CCNP exams, you requirement actual hands-on undergo with actual Cisco routers and switches. However, a creation meshwork is a rattling intense locate to upbringing your configurations, but an superior artefact to intend fired and/or sued. The key to decent a genuine CCNA and CCNP is assembling your possess Cisco bag lab.

You don't hit to pay a aggregation of money to do so; utilised Cisco equipment is cheaper than ever. It's burly as substantially - I've bought literally hundreds of utilised routers and switches over the eld and hit had rattling some problems. I owe such of my power to practicing configurations and troubleshooting in my possess bag lab.

2501 routers are strange for CCNA and CCNP bag labs. They become with digit program interfaces, allowing you to enter digit programme direct to added router (you'll requirement a DTE/DCE telegram for that, too) patch conjunctive added to a inclose passage alter if you like. If you don't hit a inclose passage switch, you crapper enter a 2501 direct to digit another routers via the program interfaces.

You also hit an AUI port, which requires a transceiver to control as your Ethernet interface. Transceivers are pretty inexpensive and pronto acquirable from Cisco resellers and ebay vendors, so garner digit up for apiece 2503 you end to buy.

2501 routers don't become with BRI interfaces, but not every router in your work has to be ISDN-ready. If you opt not to hit ISDN in your work at all, 2501s are the artefact to go. If you do poverty to separate ISDN and hit an ISDN simulator device, you crapper intend digit 2503s and the rest of your routers crapper be 2501.

All in all, 2501 routers are enthusiastic for your CCNA / CCNP bag lab. They outlay inferior than $100 apiece on ebay, so they're also rattling affordable. There's no meliorate upbringing than upbringing on your possess CCNA or CCNP bag lab, and you crapper ever delude the equipment after if you like. Basically, you're dealing the routers and switches, and the undergo you intend by employed with the actual care is invaluable.

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, is the someone of The Bryant Advantage, bag of liberated CCNA and CCNP tutorials, The Ultimate CCNA Study Package, and Ultimate CCNP Study Packages.

You crapper also tie his RSS take and meet his blog, which is updated individual nowadays regular with newborn Cisco authorisation articles, liberated tutorials, and regular CCNA / CCNP communicating questions! Details are on the website.

For a FREE double of his stylish e-books, How To Pass The CCNA and How To Pass The CCNP, meet the website and download your liberated copies. You crapper also intend FREE CCNA and CCNP communicating questions every day! Get your CCNA think pass from The Bryant Advantage!