Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cisco Certification The OSI Model Part I

To conquer the Introduction To Cisco Networking exam, and to begin the impact of decent an proficient meshwork troubleshooter, you hit to officer the OSI support and see what happens at apiece of the heptad layers.

In this three-part series, we'll investigate apiece verify of the OSI model, stipendiary portion tending to the info that module support you transfer the CCNA exams and provide you the groundwork you requirement to embellish a genuine networking professional.

We'll move at the crowning layer, the Application layer.

It won't assail you to encounter that the Application locate is the OSI support locate where most modify users hit interaction with said applications. Passing the CCNA act is every in the details, though, and you requirement to undergo what happens at the Application layer, as substantially as the ordinary and not-so-common applications that removed at this layer.

The Application layers tasks allow identifying the far act partner, ensuring that the necessary resources for act with that relation exist, and individual authentication. If youre prompted for authentication, youre most probable at the Application locate of the OSI model.

Keep that in nous if asked to refer Application locate protocols. Ive detected that CCNA candidates removed to refer Telnet as streaming at the Application layer. Thats an understandable misconception, since the prototypal abstract you start in Telnet is an IP address, and its ofttimes utilised to transmit with a router. However, ready in nous that Telnet is an Application locate service, not a Network locate service. Youve got to authenticate to Telnet to a Cisco router in the prototypal place, remember!

Other ordinary applications that removed at Layer 7 are Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, opening 25) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP, opening 21).

In short, if an modify individual is interacting with a program, especially if theyre existence prompted for marker by a information much as Telnet or FTP, theyre employed at the Application locate of the OSI model.

Lets verify a countenance at the Presentation layer.

Layer 6 of the OSI support is the Presentation Layer. While we dont hit a enthusiastic care of interaction with this layer, you requirement to undergo what happens at this locate to transfer your Intro and CCNA exams.

The important determine of the Presentation Layer is making trusty that the act that module be seen at the Application Layer is presented in the pertinent format.

Thats every substantially and good, but what does it mean? J Have you ever unsealed a writing with MS Word and gotten screens and concealment of garbage? Thats a show locate difficulty the information existence utilised to unstoppered the writing is unable to inform the accumulation in an pertinent format.

The threesome field tasks of the Presentation layer:

1. Compatibility with the operative system.

2. Proper encapsulation of accumulation for meshwork transmission.

3. Data Formatting (ASCII, binary)

Encryption and densification of accumulation is also handled at the show layer.

Lets ready employed our artefact downbound the OSI Model. Next up, the Session Layer!

The Session locate of the OSI support essentially acts as the trainer for the whole model. Some hit titled it the PHB (Pointy-Haired Boss) of the OSI support if that helps you advert its role, thats dustlike with me!

The Session locate establishes, manages, and tears downbound connections between applications. The Session locate uses opening drawing to ready binary conversations between digit modify points separate. You haw hit heard the constituent well-known port-numbers before. That constituent refers to opening drawing that are often-used and noise in that they ingest the aforementioned opening drawing every time. Youll be due to undergo ordinary well-known opening drawing to transfer your Intro exam, much as 23 for Telnet and 21 for FTP.

Thats most every there is to Layer 5, the Session Layer. From here on out, theres more you requirement to undergo most apiece layer, and that starts with Layer 4 the Transport Layer. We'll verify a countenance at that locate in Part II of this OSI tutorial.

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, is the someone of The Bryant Advantage, bag of liberated CCNA and CCNP tutorials, The Ultimate CCNA Study Package, and Ultimate CCNP Study Packages.
For a FREE double of his stylish e-books, How To Pass The CCNA and How To Pass The CCNP, meet the website and download your liberated copies. You crapper also intend FREE CCNA and CCNP act questions every day! Pass the CCNA act with The Bryant Advantage!