Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cisco CCNA CCNP Home Lab Tutorial Starting Over

When you're preparing for success on your CCNA or CCNP authorisation exams, rather or after you're feat to poverty to move totally from irritate on your Cisco routers and switches. It's cushy sufficiency to identify write erase and eload, but there are a some info you impact to check if you poverty your bag work or demolition property devices to behave as though they meet came discover of the box.

The prototypal travel is indeed to separate the bidding indite erase, and then charge the router. You're feat to be prompted with a discourse before the charge starts, though, and you impact to provide the correct respond .... or your plan module ease be there when you reload!

First, you module be prompted to support the erase. Press to accept the choice respond of confirm.

R1#write erase

Erasing the nvram filesystem module vanish every plan files! Continue? [confirm


Erase of nvram: complete

With the move plan erased, it's instance to charge the router. This is where the ordinal stimulate comes in:


System plan has been modified. Save? [yes/no: no

When a Cisco router prompts you with digit answers to a question, you've got to identify the respond in (or at small the prototypal honor of it). Answer NO to this discourse and advise when prompted to support the reload.

The router module then move the charge process. Since there is no move plan in NVRAM, the router module stimulate you to start falsehood mode. You should exclusive respond yes if you impact a aggregation of instance on your hands, meet poverty to wager what falsehood fashion is like, or training CTRL-C to intend discover it! Otherwise, respond NO.

--- System Configuration Dialog ---

Would you aforementioned to start the initial plan dialog? [yes/no: n

Would you aforementioned to alter autoinstall? [yes:y

You'll wager quite a some messages after this relating to programme states, and eventually you're backwards at the individual exec prompt.


Now you're employed with a router that's meet aforementioned it was when it came discover of the box!

For switches such as the 2950, the impact is such the same, but you should withdraw the VLAN.DAT start before reloading the router. This start contains VLAN aggregation and is kept in flash, so it module ease be inform after a reload.

switch1#write erase

Erasing the nvram filesystem module vanish every files! Continue? [confirm


Erase of nvram: complete

switch1#delete vlan.dat

Delete name [vlan.dat?

Delete flash:vlan.dat? [confirm


Make trusty to impact for the digit questions regarding the redaction - if you respond y instead, the alter thinks you're disagreeable to cancel a start titled y!

After the charge is complete, you'll be prompted to start falsehood mode. As you did with the router, start N and begin to configure the router from individual exec mode. There's null aforementioned employed with actual equipment to educate for your CCNA and CCNP success, and there's no meliorate training than configuring routers and switches from the rattling beginning!

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, is the someone of The Bryant Advantage, bag of liberated CCNA and CCNP tutorials, The Ultimate CCNA Study Package, and Ultimate CCNP Study Packages.
For a FREE double of his stylish e-books, How To Pass The CCNA and How To Pass The CCNP, meet the website and download your liberated copies. You crapper also intend FREE CCNA and CCNP communicating questions every day! Pass the CCNA communicating with The Bryant Advantage!