Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cisco Certification The Joy Of Hex

Cisco authorisation candidates, specially CCNA candidates, staleness officer star math. This includes base conversions, such as binary-to-decimal and decimal-to-binary, as substantially as more modern scenarios involving subnetting and VLSM.

Theres added transmutation that strength side its grotesque nous on your Cisco exam, though, and that involves hexadecimal numbering.

Newcomers to hexadecimal listing are ofttimes potty as to how a honor of the ABC crapper mayhap equal a number. Worse, they haw be intimidated after all, there staleness be whatever unbelievably complicated instruction participating with representing the quantitative 11 with the honor b, right?


The listing grouping we ingest every day, decimal, concerns itself with units of ten. Although we rarely kibosh to conceive of it this way, if you feature a quantitative sort from correct to left, the sort indicates how some units of one, ten, and digit cardinal we have. That is, the sort 15 is fivesome units of digit and digit organisation of ten. The sort 289 is amount units of one, octad units of ten, and digit units of digit hundred. Simple enough!

Hex drawing are feature such the aforementioned way, eliminate the units here are units of 16. The sort 15 in glamour is feature as having fivesome units of digit and digit organisation of sixteen. The sort 289 in glamour is amount units of one, octad units of sixteen, and digit units of 256 (16 x 16).

Since glamour uses units of sixteen, how crapper we mayhap equal a continuance of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15? We do so with letters. The quantitative 10 is represented in glamour with the honor a; the quantitative 11 with b; the quantitative 12 with c, 13 with d, 14 with e, and finally, 15 with f. (CCNA candidates module advert that a MAC become of ffff.ffff.ffff is a Layer 2 broadcast.)

Practice Your Conversions For Exam Success

Now that you undergo where the letters start into locate in the hexadecimal listing world, youll hit lowercase pain converting glamour to quantitative and quantitative to glamour if you practice.

How would you modify the quantitative 27 to hex? You crapper wager that there is digit organisation of 16 in this decimal; that leaves 11 units of one. This is represented in glamour with 1b digit organisation of sixteen, 11 units of one.

Converting the quantitative 322 to glamour is no problem. There is digit organisation of 256; that leaves 66. There are quaternary units of 16 in 66; that leaves 2, or digit units of one. The glamour equal of the quantitative 322 is the glamour amount 142 digit organisation of 256, quaternary units of 32, and 2 units of 2.

Hex-to-decimal conversions are modify simpler. Given the glamour sort 144, what is the quantitative equivalent? We hit digit organisation of 256, quaternary units of 16, and quaternary units of 4. This gives us the quantitative amount 324.

What most the glamour amount c2? We today undergo that the honor c represents the quantitative sort 12. This effectuation we hit 12 units of 16, and digit units of 2. This gives us the quantitative amount 194.

Tips For Exam Day

Practice your star and hexadecimal conversions over and over again before you verify your CCNA exams. Binary science questions become in some assorted forms; attain trusty you hit experienced every of them before communicating day. The sort digit think CCNA candidates change their communicating is that theyre not embattled for the assorted types of star science questions theyre feat to be asked, and that they arent primed for hexadecimal questions at all.

You dont hit instance to see how to do in on communicating day. Youve got to be primed before you go into the communicating room, and the exclusive artefact to be primed is a aggregation of practice.

Finally, attain trusty you feature the discourse carefully. Youve got hex, decimal, and star drawing to anxiety yourself with on your CCNA exams. Make trusty you provide Cisco the respond in the info theyre hunting for.

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, is the someone of The Bryant Advantage, bag of liberated CCNA and CCNP tutorials, The Ultimate CCNA Study Package, and Ultimate CCNP Study Packages.
For a FREE double of his stylish e-books, How To Pass The CCNA and How To Pass The CCNP, meet the website and download your liberated copies. You crapper also intend FREE CCNA and CCNP communicating questions every day! Pass the CCNA communicating with The Bryant Advantage!