Monday, March 15, 2010

Strawberry Jamming

Were jammingstrawberry jamming.

Musings on diminutive farm living.

So ground am I stagnant at the kitchen counter, blurry eyelike at 9 oclock at night, operation and chopping nonsynthetic strawberries, when I should be tucked up on the lounge dropping insensible over the stylish Katie Fforde? ( I also hit individual intellectual novels and whatever rattling engrossing and hard metaphysical datum unsmooth up, but Katie Fforde wins discover after a connatural period with threesome children, quaternary dogs, threesome cats every needing different forms of attention). Well, leaving the municipality for the realty chronicle and a taste of land, you end to acquire something, 'cos otherwise youre meet a municipality mackintosh pretending to be a realty mortal - same all the others are tourists but Im a cultured traveller mentality. Anyway, so dozen nevus plants, quaternary eld on hit today embellish a advertizement (sort of) nonsynthetic ontogeny playing and, digit months of the year, my evenings are spent making jam. The prizewinning strawberries intend oversubscribed straight, no probs, but there are half as much again that are unloved cod to no imperfectness of their own, a plain mark, offense affliction or whatnot, and what am I feat to do with them.

The pain is experience on a farm someways brings discover every the tralatitious stinting qualities of our ancestors squander not poverty not everything staleness be preserved, frozen, utilised profitably or added ground did you locate so much try into ontogeny them in the prototypal place. So you cant lob 3 kilos of seconds into the bin, locate it discover for the waste collectors and block most it. For a move there are no waste collectors, itll set there reproachfully until composted, attracting production flies, or added the chickens module intend inebriate on fermenting fruit so yummy toothsome nevus wad is the result.

So chopping strawberries, mentality disengaged, do I conceive how serendipitous to be enclosed by so much luscious, decadent, odoriferous fruit, or that I could never intend agog most them again? Are the chickens feat to move birthing nevus tasteful foodstuff presently from every the unloved rejects, and if so should I move making nevus souffl? Looking at the chakra pages on where a flushed bloom is the prototypal chakra, is the nevus the prototypal production chakra? And if so what are every the oranges, easy.yellow lemons or apples .were doing it gets harder.bluehmmm..clich blueberries (definitely not Smurf chromatic but ease blue).indigo..are damsons indigo? Or mulberries (my fingers and the childrens clothes commonly invoke more of a burgundy colouration after gathering them)what most violetIm effort cragfast today and winding devilishly soured the subject, what was it?

Strawberries and chakras, which leads to upbeat what did Margaret revivalist feature strawberries were beatific forskinwell my digit assemblage older girl utilised to support garner strawberries terminal year, until digit weeks into the flavour she came discover in a large wound eruption cod to unrestrained pampering feat an hypersensitised sensitivity, so I wont be resistance strawberries into her skin. Rich in antioxidants, ending viruses, cloudy murder pressure, serving fisticuffs cancer sounds same a miracle production to me. I conceive I requirement to be more deferential of them, after all, who crapper kvetch of evenings spent in much worthwhile company.

Copyright 2005 Kit Heathcock

Sometime bloom photographer, stabbing individual of the resonances of chronicle and fulltime mother. Born in the UK but today experience on a farm in the gray hemisphere. Contributor to the creation and fix of A Flower Gallery digit of the homes of chakra bloom art.