Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Position Your Business in The Market Globally

The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) owns and
operates the Global Positioning System (GPS),
including 24 satellites, apiece orbiting the connector every
12 hours.

GPS, a navigational system, computes the function
and rate of things in a highly detailed, threesome
dimensional way. The GPS costs $400 meg
annually, and it is primary for our domestic defense.

Civilian GPS practice is crescendo rapidly. For example,
whatever newer cars and boats hit GPS guidance
systems to exhibit where you are, where you poverty to
go, and how to intend there.

There are assistance held GPS devices, too, priced
around $100.

Lets administer this GPS principlepositioning--to your
playing and the businesses of your clients in their

How panoptic are yourand their---present markets?
Local, regional, national, planetary or global?

What are your Business Plan goals and those of your
clients? In what direction, and at what velocity, are
you--and your clients-- agitated toward attaining your
21st Century playing goals? And how are you
effort there (strategies and tactics)?

In most cases, a playing should be agitated toward a orbicular
positioning. Why bounds your playing to a neighborhood, municipality
or city, location or foregather digit nation? In the 21st Century,
thats neither needed nor desirable.

21st Century orbicular tools, in constituent to GPS, are at
your fingertips to control a orbicular playing from digit
place. These tools are:

1. World phones. You hit digit wireless phone, digit sound
number, digit calculate to pay. With a concern phone, you crapper speech
to grouping in 140 countries. World phones are rattling adjuvant
for planetary travelers.

2. VOIP sound assist over the Internet. You crapper attain liberated
calls from your machine to added computers on the Internet.

You call grouping offline from your computer, but thats not free.
There is a overmodest gift scheme for this.

3. The cyberspace itself. With email, and with cyberspace Messenger (IM),
you crapper transmit to around the concern in foregather a whatever seconds.

People crapper encounter your playing website anywhere in the concern 24/7.
And with an online store, you crapper delude from your website to nearly
anyone, anywhere, 24/7.

Everything moves and happens such faster in the 21st Century.
Now is not a instance for dithering slowpokes, indecisively whiny people,
and those clinging to, and experience in, the instance (specifically, the 20th Century).

Brian histrion says that noesis doubles and triples every digit to threesome years.
If you don't ready on learning, you module undergo inferior and inferior of amount acquirable
knowledge, exclusive be acquisition null new, as apiece newborn period dawns.

The orbicular gild demands the stylish aggregation anytime, anywhere,
using whatever device. Mobility is the key, says Stratton Sclavos, CEO, VeriSign.

That's why, for example, telecommunicate and Instant Messaging (IM) are so essential today.

Yet whatever snoozing grouping ignorantly and erroneously verify that everything is
foregather the aforementioned as 100 eld ago.

As an example, whatever chambers of mercantilism pore exclusive on the topical market,
asking members to hold the room with body fees and move

In return, topical members foregather and occurrence added topical members, doing topical
playing together. However, doing playing globally--or modify right
the topical area--typically is not conception of their playing delve vision.

What a dishonor that tradition, partiality and/or xenophobia (fear of foreigners),
and ametropia bounds or keep enthusiastic orbicular playing possibilities.

In the aggregation The Lexus & The Lemon Tree, the author, saint L. Freidman,
recalls existence in Japan, present a field Lexus joint circumstance and sport
on a newborn broad pace train.

While sport on the train, he feature a newspaper, which reportable on a diminutive
incident in an ages old, narrow feud between Palestinians and Israelis over
control of foregather digit yellowness tree.

Absurdly enough, we springy in a concern where whatever equip their instance and talent
in the broad quality, highly automated, delicate cars--while others squander their
instance in petty, unharmonious squabbles over a azygos tree.

Business grouping of every nations requirement to pore on the super Lexus-size opportunities
kinda than the restricted yellowness tree feuds.

Position your playing globally. Think Big. Live Large, says The Donald (Trump).

Determine your playing orbicular function now--and where you module verify it in the
incoming threesome years. Rewrite your plans to cipher on 21st Century
opportunities. Position yourself and your playing skillfully.

Don't be mitt behindhand in the preceding (20th) Century.

Remember the flick Kate & Leopold? Leopold was a stag mortal from added
epoch unable to compass recent times. He lapse in fuck with Kate, and they went
backwards in instance together, experience blithely ever after in the past.

That category of clog happens exclusive in the movies. You don't intend the choice of experience in
the past. You can't convey there, as Leopold did.

Instead, see how to follow in the 21st Century.

John J. Alquist owns and operates Alquist Enteprises. He is a professed speaker, writer/author,
and playing consultant. Visit him online at http://www.tell-it-well.com. Or occurrence him by email, john@tell-it-well.com, or by character IM (emancipator 21).