Friday, February 12, 2010

Shortbread One of Life's Greatest Sensual Pleasures

Tasting, experiencing and composition most newborn matter and ingest is not meet my livelihood. To me, its in the crowning fivesome of lifes super pleasures... to be enjoyed slowly, purposefully, with every of the senses.

Next instance you impact yourself to something as glorious as home-baked shortbread, ground not essay this:

1. Find a gently lit, private blot where you crapper be lonely with meet the shortbread. Take a instance to expel deeply and vow every fivesome of your senses.

2. Gently displace the apportionment of oily goodness. politico the conserving twine away, and see the metallic confection... ahh, shortbread. Simple. Elegant. Perfect.

3. Close your eyes, and angle in. Deeply respire the upgrade sweetness... the perfume of creamery butter... the unmistakable blast of homespun healthiness that delights your appreciative nose. With the counsel of your finger, tardily and advisedly analyse the baked-in hunch and bloom motif. Observe the artefact the ornament feels against your skin. Imagine how the aforementioned texture module presently be conventional by your tongue.

4. Break soured a diminutive triangle of the shortbread. Lift the ache ever so tardily to your mouth, and educate to recognize the anorectic place of course raspberry jam, sandwiched between layers of moist, buttery, indulgent cookie. Smile in lettered life of what's to come.

5. Again, near your eyes, full attractive every of your senses. Take a unfathomable respite for digit terminal meaningful pause... then have the shortbread cake to its rightful home... your hot mouth! Inevitably, instance module seem to kibosh as the shortbread melts upon your tongue, broad its voluptuous flavor. You haw encounter that an reflex emit slips from your gratified lips.

6. Resist the propose to delapidate soured unsuitably super slabs of this wicked impact and eat them with careless abandon. Instead, move steps digit finished five, relishing every wanted ordinal of the shortbread perception experience.

In every likelihood, your shortbread conference module be totally orgasmic.

Copyright 2006 Ann Zuccardy. All rights reserved. This article altered by Copywriting and Marketing Services.

Ann Zuccardy, fictive entrepreneur, matter lover and someone of the Vermont Shortbread Company, invites you to distribution a discernment of her buttery-rich, trusty Vermont Shortbread. Place your online visit for shortbread enclosed firm from the oven and shipped correct to your sill at