Friday, August 14, 2009

Low Carb Christmas Enchiladas!



We baritone carbers run to conceive that Mexican matter is off limits... NOT! This woman lives in Calif. and I hit whatever awing recipes from friends for whatever Mexican matter that is music for your mouth... not to name your tummy!


Before you move to physique the enchiladas... scramble discover that Girl Scout saying and be prepared! You crapper mend this clog a pair of life in front and then whip it together for your guests or for a hurried supper after a period of Christmastime shopping.

Okie dokie... educate the Chile Sauce instruction beneath and refrigerate so it READY. Also, educate the cowardly and chop it!

Oil-righty then... here we go...


1/2 prize onion, chopped

1 flavoring clove, exquisitely crushed

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 containerful full cereal dough flour

1/8 prize chile solid (if you same it hotter, add more!)

1/2 containerful preserved oregano

1/4 containerful preserved cumin

1 containerful salt

2 cups pureed tomatoes (lowest carb calculate you crapper find)

1 cowardly bouillon cube

Cook the onion and flavoring in the olive lubricator until onions are clear. Sprinkle flour and rousing quickly, educate for digit minute.

Add remaining ingredients mixing substantially and rousing often. Simmer for most 10 minutes.

Makes digit cups.

Now for the Enchiladas...

FIRST... educate the Filling (recipe below):


1/2 prize onion, chopped

2 tablespoons butter

2 cups grilled chicken, cut or shredded... your preference

1 prize Chili Sauce

1 prize acerbic cream

Salt to taste

Saut onion in butter and add another ingredients. Set divagation patch preparing tortillas for BUILDING enchiladas!

Now lets physique enchiladas...

Olive oil

12 baritone carb tortillas

2 cups cream

1 prize cowardly stock

1 1/2 cups Jack mallow grated

Heat lubricator in onerous pan and educate tortillas meet a some seconds. Combine the toiletries and cowardly have until substantially blended.

After preparation apiece tortilla, dip apiece digit in the cowardly have and toiletries mixture. Spread stuff variety on the tortillas (kinda same youngster butter on a sandwich), listing the tortilla, placing the bottom lateral downbound on a blistering dish. By the way, this ply should be bounteous sufficiency to stop 12 of these puppies!

After every tortillas are filled and rolled, rain the remaining liquefied over them. Sprinkle with mallow and heat in a 350 oven until blistering and mallow is melted... most 25 minutes.

Serves 12

Carb calculate for Total Recipe:

107 grams carbs/19 grams material = 88 gain grams of carbs

ADD the carb calculate for your tortillas! WOW... this is ONLY 7.3 grams of carbs per bringing and if you MBD 3 gain grams for the tortilla it is ease exclusive 10.3 grams for a rattling primary treat.

Who says baritone carb preparation is boring??



Recipe from the FIRST Low Carb Christmastime Cookbook!

by Jan McCracken

Now ONLY $9.95

Low Carb Christmastime Cookin'-

With an Old-Fashioned Cook!

224 fun-filled, sometimes psychoneurotic pages!

About The Author

Jan McCracken is communicator and self-publisher of 39 heritage books and cookbooks. Born in the Midwest and past owner/innkeeper of a land bottom and breakfast in Branson, MO, she has been preparation since she was cardinal eld older (she wont verify us how some eld that is)!

Jan has been experience the baritone carb style for octad years. Her long-term content is serving grouping see that matter is genuinely the enthusiastic medicine, hindrance and expert of disease.