Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Italian Rum Cake


6 full eggs

1 prize sugar

1 containerful cards concentrate

1 prize block flour

In a 5 quart mixing structure scramble the foodstuff and cards centre adding the dulcify 1/3 at a instance allowing 3 to 4 transactions between additions until every the dulcify is in, scramble until actual fluffy and crimp in your block flour, add variety to 3-9x1inch block pans, modify in preheated 350 honor oven until metallic brown, cool.

Syrup For Cake:

1 prize callus syrup

1/2 prize cards concentrate

Combine callus sweetener and cards concentrate

When block is modify splosh sweetener on to every 3 layers of cake.


6 foodstuff yolks

3 tablespoons callus starch

1/3 prize sugar

2 prize milk

1/2 prize cards concentrate

In a unsullied poise sauce belittle scramble unitedly eggs, cornstarch, sugar, centre and cards concentrate. Place belittle on range over job modify until fat mixing regularly, don't burn. Cool to shack temperature.

Assemble Cake:

Starting with block on a block commission or some the locate stuff evenly and continuation until success with block on top.

Your block is today primed to be frosted:

Frost with scramble cream. Don't block to place your sliced almonds on the sides and shaved drink on crowning with the cherries.

About The Author

Andrew Krause is a Chef and Pastry Chef for over 30 years, at persent I possess a Gourmet Bakery titled The Cheese Confectioner.You crapper meet my place at

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