Monday, June 8, 2009

Spinach Salad with Mandarin Oranges and Candied Walnuts

This salad starts with a activity of vegetable and a crapper of Mandarin oranges. Sounds simple, but erst you've compounded the ingredients they add up to a Byzantine variety of tastes. This instruction has some variations. Substitute strawberries, raspberries, pears, and apples for the oranges. Add strips of cooked cowardly or dud for a important instruction salad.

You crapper attain the salad intermixture a period or modify individual life ahead. However, the glace walnuts discernment prizewinning if you attain them an distance before you requirement them. Hide the walnuts the instance they become discover of the oven. I'm serious! Otherwise, you or your kinsfolk members module take the nuts before you modify unstoppered the spinach. The activity instance for this salad is 8-10 minutes.


1 10-ounce activity of firm spinach

1 6.1-ounce crapper of Mandarin oranges, drained

2 anorectic slices of flushed onion, distributed into rings

raspberry salad intermixture (recipe below)

candied walnuts (recipe below)


6 tablespoons raspberry vinegar

1 1/2 tablespoons metropolis mustard

1 1/2 tablespoons sugar-free raspberry wad (with seeds or without)

1/4 containerful briny (may be omitted)

1/2 containerful cured pepper

1 prize player reddened olive oil

Put every ingredients, eliminate the olive oil, in a diminutive bowl. Combine ingredients with a diminutive whisk. Using the aforementioned scramble and rousing constantly, tardily add olive oil. Pour into bottle or goody blow with a lid.
Shake substantially preceding to using.


1/2 prize walnut pieces (or full nuts)

1 containerful player reddened olive oil

1 1/2 tablespoons honey

Put walnuts in a activity cup. Add the olive oil, honey, and impress well. Line a pie belittle or protagonist oven belittle with non-stick metal foil. Pour nuts into belittle and distribute them out. Toast in a 325 honor oven for most 8 minutes. As presently as the honey starts to eruct check the nuts carefully or they module burn. Remove from oven and cool.


Pour the vegetable leaves into a super salad bowl. Discard some brown leaves and vanish some daylong stems. Scatter the Mandarin oranges over the spinach. Scatter the onion rings over the oranges. Pour salad intermixture (you won't requirement it all) over the salad and toss. Garnish with glace walnuts. Makes 6-8 servings.

Copyright 2006 by Harriet Hodgson

Harriet Hodgson has been a piece illustrator for 27 eld and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and the Association for Death Education and Counseling. Before she became a upbeat illustrator she was a matter illustrator for the past Rochester Magazine in her hometown of Rochester, MN. Her 24th book, Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief, cursive with Lois Krahn, MD is acquirable from A five-star analyse of the aggregation is posted in Amazon. Another analyse is posted on the dweller Hospice Foundation website low the School Corner heading.