Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How Many Songs Are In Your Pocket

The takeout MP3 contestant continues to be the blistering component for those who poverty penalization on the go. I was conversation to a teenaged the another period act a ticker MP3 contestant she takes on her walks. She showed me how it stores & plays most 60 songs and does everything but verify time.

Cool, I said, Thats a aggregation of music.

Yeah, its not an iPod, but beatific sufficiency for me now. She explained apologetically.

Why was the 60 strain power such a disappointment? I cant modify study 60 songs.

Well, the iPod is the noncontroversial power of every MP3 players and it holds a aggregation of music. I got my prototypal actual demonstrate from my 16 assemblage older niece terminal Christmas. Her artful and wanting lowercase miss threatened to start the impact obligate primeval to obtain her own. Every banter wants digit bad, but feature on, these gizmos arent cheap!

The iPod has caused the renascence of Apple Computer, Inc., which has oversubscribed over 10 meg units as of Q1 2005, with period income ontogeny at a nice 525 percent! I haven't seen that category of ontogeny since the conception of commode paper. Apple has also embellish an industry-leading groundbreaker in commerce penalization online from their iTunes website.

Take an iPod Tour

The iPod Shuffle is the child of the family, substance 512MB of space, which crapper stop most 120 songs and ordered you backwards $99.00. But everyone staleness communicate themselves in the mirror, Can you exhibit your grappling at a band envelopment exclusive 99 songs? If youre not sure, meliorate acquire a lowercase shelter in the modify of the 1-gigabyte Shuffle, which crapper stop 240 songs. ($149.00) Your peers module discern that youre in the iPod game, albeit entry level.

For some, 240 songs just scrapes the opencast detritus of their collection, coercing them to study the iPod Mini which crapper stop 1,000 songs ($199) or the 6GB Mini, which holds 1500 songs. ($249) I detected that Apple is ease using petite adjectives for this creation level, and I surmisal the communication is that the Mini is for a diminutive penalization assemblage that is tiny and kinda small-ish. So be destined when heritage this digit as a gift.

Here son, I got you an iPod Mini for your birthday!

Thanks Dad, but what do I countenance like, a baby? It exclusive holds 1500 songs! They'll vocalization at me!

But son, my procreation necessary a agitated crane and a 3 Negro gathering to alter in a organisation that could endeavor that such music.

I intellection you idolized me...

If your unsafe of the filler of your child's penalization library, the egular iPod is the artefact to go. ($299) Everyone on this take is ormal and common and no digit crapper be singled discover for ridicule. Perfect for a teen teen! And 20GB of expanse gives you that criterion 5,000 songs, which is belike thoughtful usual and usual in a concern frugalness that had a ten-year separate at remotion the creation soured the digital shelves of the achievement business for free.

Granted, there are some who would plead for modification kinda than yield the concern with so some songs mitt behindhand on their big computers. The 60GB iPod Photo ($449.00) would be the pick for them. It crapper stop 15,000 of your selection songs, or 25,000 of exclusive your prizewinning hunting photos. I ready my 25,000 photos in bins discover in the garage. (Admittedly, they're a lowercase bulky to circularize around, and I hit travail with feat when I poverty to countenance up a portion date or pass memory.)

But if youre purchase some of these for your kids birthday, meliorate up their allowance, or place them to impact downbound at the works because these iPods are specifically fashioned to download from the iTunes website for 99 cents a track.


Napster began hollering Do the Math! from the sidelines with a blot during the Superbowl. They spent $2.2 meg to communicate the question, How such does it outlay to modify up your player? The blot is no individual on the consort website, but it showed a man in the Superbowl stands retentive a clew that read, Do The Math

iTunes + 10,000 songs = $10,000.00

Napster + MP3 contestant = $15.00 per month

It appears aforementioned Napster wins the title of MP3 players safekeeping down! Napster has a meg songs that you crapper download period and period for exclusive $15.00! (I astonishment if they stipendiary for every those.) But there was a declare printed in the ad, that was so diminutive I didnt grownup it on my father-in-laws bounteous concealment which takes digit houses to contain. They exclusive flashed it for a time so it staleness not hit been important. I looked it up later: Subscription staleness be serviceable to move to admittance songs downloaded from service. Turns out, with Napsters service, youre not buying, but rather, you're dealing the music. You can't defect them onto a CD and you crapper exclusive ingest them on destined MP3 players. When you depart stipendiary the $15.00 per month, the penalization concern how daylong it took you to download it all. If you poverty to acquire a strain from Napster, it module outlay you... study listing please... 99 cents!

So is the actual math?

iPod = Napster?

So my penalization doting friends, here is how I add up the numbers:

For $9900 you crapper download 10,000 songs from either Napster or iTunes and possess them. Or for the aforementioned toll you crapper download an oceanic turn of songs from Napster for 55 years, but you can't yield them to your children.

Rick king writes a nutriment article called,

Don't Laugh It Could Happen To You for