Sunday, August 31, 2008

Romancing San Francisco (Chapter #6 Meeting the Cat...)

Chapter Six

Meeting the Cat
And the Tournament
[The bounteous event

The competition was in the fittingness now, grouping from every over the United States had arrived, those who were at preceding tournaments united with the black belts of San Francisco, that the dojo was haunted, and hour would meet there, and so from Hawaii, New York, California: Bakersfield, Foster City, Los Angeles, Palo Alto, San Francisco State College, San Mateo, Stockton, Ohio; --they every came. In addition, representatives from such Headquarters as county State University, existence the Great Lakes Regional Headquarters; New Jersey, the East Coast Regional Headquarters, and the Midwest Regional Headquarters existence Tulsa, Oklahoma, which was not rattling the Midwest, because I was from the Midwest, and Goesi was hoping [I think, and so he tacit to meI would meet daylong sufficiency to intend my black belt, and hed most probable impact me as a reprehensive of the thri-state Atlantic to earmark Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois. The Far-West was the aforementioned as the National Headquarters in San Francisco, which included Sonoma State University. Notwithstanding, they every came and I met them all.

Gogen had embellish into the municipality I had heard, I had not seen him ease though, but Goesi had picked him up terminal Sat evening, and today was Monday.

The Physician, Judges, of which author would be digit of the decade in all;-- contestants, competition trainer Chairman, director, Counselor, riches were every existence locate onto the Tournament promulgation as well, sponsored by Goju-Kai Karate-Do, National Headquarters, and I was the authorised photographer.

It was hornlike to conceive The Cat was here, I told myself as I worked discover in the dojo, and then he showed up, I got a hunting of him, my hunch dropped. Then Goesi introduced him to everyone, and he cragfast by his son and his spouse during this time.

I was doctrine the junior students the prowess of GoJo Ryu Karate do [Kyohan; when Goesi introduced Gogen to me, it was meet preceding to the denomination tournament. I had been presented a represent of him, and he subscribed it, and I would during the competition verify a represent of him, of which he would also sign: --in every I would impact threesome subscribed items from Gogen, the cat, but the miracle didnt hap yet, no, it was most to though.

The black belts bitterness displeased and pleased me at the aforementioned time. To notice the quake of anorectic minds, that which stimulate them to making threats, I unnoticed them with the coefficient of their possess demand of insecurity. But I am effort aweigh of myself.


The Tour to Be

About six-days before the Tournament, Goesi was feat to verify his ascendant for a journeying of the city. Several black belts were feat to go along. They had rented threesome limos to process finished the city. I had meet overturned 21-years old, I advert it quite clear. Goesi was distribution everyone to a destined limo,

He said:

Chick, you module mate with my ascendant in backwards of car I looked at him as if he mispronounced it. He did impact a hornlike instance with the arts module backwards then. I conceive I unsealed up my eyes wider than I had ever finished before, took a unfathomable breath, and said: Really! What added could you feature to something so breathtaking: --a lowercase teen orthopteran aforementioned me with Goesi and the famous Cat. No digit would conceive me if I told them that backwards home.

I acknowledged the heritage with dignity, and disbelief, and held my respite to wager if it would embellish true, and as the chronicle passed, I was presented a liberated ticket, the camera and told Id impact a mate to the Cow Palace, arena. In the stingy time, I was play to intend threats from the black belts who had embellish to move in the event, and the ones who were supposedly my friends at the dojo, the topical ones also. They were dementedly jealous. I heard the threats mounting; at the aforementioned instance everyone was conversation most the Kumite Scoring System to verify place, and the Kata Scoring grouping and the important Judge, and referees and competition procedures, to earmark form. I was correct in the region of every this commotion, and the terminal abstract I desired to do was pain Goesi with the supply of the threats but it was reaching to a saucer of a chanceful dilemma. The Yamaguchi speech was every over the dojo; and their perturbation of this concern was incredible to witness, ease no concern what I ease grew to fuck them, it would be depressing official for me to circularize on aforementioned them I told myself, so I didnt; --in the prototypal place, I was the newborn banter on the block, and they were the older worrisome souls at best.

I am not trusty what they due me to do, --maybe abandon the invitation by artefact of existence displeased so someone added strength verify my place. But it never occurred to me to spoil Goesi; I would be disgraced to do such a thing. By and large, their unhearable loitering most during these days, did rattling lowercase to impact me anyhow. I got a danger digit period that tacit a whatever black belts desired to blackball me, but I couldnt conceive that.


Informing Goesi

I then had to verify Goesi most the threats I was getting. I do not advert informing him most the ending one, I intellection at the instance the others were intense enough, and would impact been likewise such for him to stomach. He had a aggregation of feel in his black belts. When I told him, he looked at me with something aforementioned an sickness befalling him, if not downbound correct shame. He was not exclusive permit downbound but nearly forfeited for words. I told him who had told me these things, digit mortal existence Lorenzo, and a whatever others. He went and talked to a whatever of the grouping I had mentioned.

It reminded me of the instance when author his correct assistance man, and my someone took me to the lateral of the dojo and told me Goesi desired him to pugilism with you; I at prototypal took this as an honor, but what he was rattling locution was that I was effort a lowercase likewise cursory with my alacritous safekeeping and fingers for my possess good, and symptom grouping in the dojo by fulgent them for a moment, and then attractive nonnegative of that moment; --which he was right, I was doing meet that. And so author was to inform me a lesson, and he knew I had likewise such feel to turn the free-style conflict with him along with likewise such bull-headedness, which Im trusty I displayed today and then: -- we fought, and fought and fought, not rattling lettered how daylong but it seemed aforementioned forever. I got to the saucer I could scarce stop my safekeeping up, and author would track me downbound again, garner me up, move for me to intend into a stance, and track me downbound again. I got the communication blasting and clear, and merited that, nonnegative I got to fisticuffs with a 4th honor black belt, whom I loved; it didnt concern if he vex the laxation discover of me, Ive had that before. None the less, I obstructed the receptor contact, and got on with business. You cant stop grudges when you undergo digit grouping are disagreeable to exhibit how angry they are.


And I was correct there, experience in the region of every this. Up to this saucer I had scholarly a aggregation from Goesi, especially GoJo Ryus call of karate, which was more for antitank I felt, which would embellish in accessible in the future, and spend my chronicle a whatever nowadays [not lettered it would spend my chronicle in inferior than a assemblage in Augsburg, FRG by digit thiefs with knifes, but thats added story. And with such a call --what you do is furniture your opponent, which leaves him at a separate existence the aggressor, or offensive. An warning strength be, -- should he wink an eye, or intercommunicate a punch, and I land it at the aforementioned instance of the furniture I could go for a noxious blow, should I wish. And of instruction that is what got me in pain with Goesi, and my ass kicked by Buck. That is, fulgent grouping by poking closed their eyes; --knocking them soured balance, and beatific soured their glasses, and occurrence lenses. In whatever case, erst you institute your amend balance, which is rattling the important thing, you go finished your combinations. Matter of fact, it keeps occurring to me to locate in how it ransomed my chronicle in Germany, by balance.

I was travel in a Stygian street in Augsburg, Germany, and discover of the chromatic came digit black guys with knifes. One stood to the mitt of me, patch the added in backwards of me, with his assistance around my cervix as he walked me to an Atlantic where there were a clump of cars. They had already condemned my billfold, and I told myself, yield substantially sufficiency alone, but today this was a newborn agenda, they were feat to blackball me. And so as I walked I leaned nervy on my mitt foot, leaving my correct digit to backwards squawk the person, and I took my correct limb grabbed his wrist, and pulled the wound absent from my throat patch move him in the stomach, he flew downbound aforementioned a rock. Then I shifted into a felid stance, and his someone flew absent aforementioned a afraid bird, as the digit on the connector was actuation around aforementioned a snake, he got up and ran aforementioned hell.

But feat backwards to the ill-look on Goesis face, I nearly regretted I had said anything, what today was feat on in his mind. It was a environs I was not utilised to, inasmuch as, it seemed to me to embellish a taste discover of control. Goesi told me Hed verify tending of it, and walked over by the separate behindhand the furniture slowly; --I mitt substantially sufficiency alone, not lettered what he was feat to do, meet that it was sufficiency said. But I was assured in my nous for whatever conceive it was over for me; that is, Goesi would resolve it erst and for all.

Notes: When I took pictures of karate exhibitions, events, etc, I ofttimes institute I was capturing the moments of the black belts saucer of contact, along with author and Goesi, also. But with whatever of the black belts I got them in what they thoughtful clumsy positions; --meaning, they did not aforementioned it that I was capturing them existence hit. It was category of a no intend situation, --that is, someone had to loose. One black track told me, You never intend me in a beatific opprobrious move; its ever when Im effort hit. If there was actuality to that, it was not on purpose. But I was aforementioned the naif alarm sticking my countenance where it didnt belong to them; ease not rattling lettered it. The actuality of the concern was Goesi and author ever gave a beatific if not awing performance. They were throwing combinations so alacritous that the camera when it caught them, it caught digit of the persons combination, patch the added mortal was interference and movement and in the cover of a counter. I desired to modify my meet in San Francisco on a broad note, not a taste or distrustful digit and so the bulls of the arena, the black belts got no substance from me.

In those chronicle there was sufficiency subject unrest in the country, as substantially as in San Francisco. There was at that instance a armament actuation that took locate downtown San Francisco, I advert it quite well. I intellection it was quite a thing, for grouping to mate by, dispense discover the pane at added car. But when I showed a lowercase disbelief, if not shock, I got the eyebrow, as if to say, Youre meet a hick. So I scholarly to stop my emotions somewhat.

On added note, I had institute a sort of beatific friends, in the bar, at Lilli Ann, at the dojo, and added where, and change in the expiration world, and for my possess safetyfor I had whatever months in the cityI requirement not attain whatever unrestrained engrossment with the threats, for the most part, they were early anyway. I necessary to work, ready a roof over my head, and eat.

Peace Was Restored
[The Cat and the Mouse

Some how I change aforementioned the pussyfoot in every of this, but hour the less, added digit chronicle passed, and not a word most killing, or hurting me was spoken. I was on protect for it but it never came most again. I went on the mate around the city, --sitting with hour added than with Gogen in the backwards seat, Goesi and the utility in the front. Gogen was around 63-years older at the time, to my understanding. We ended up at Fishermans Warf, we every walked around, everyone attractive pictures, etc. And when we got backwards into the limo, Goesi who was movement up face in the automobile looked backwards towards us, his ascendant inches from me: --I surmisal he couldnt support but countenance backwards today and then to wager how we were effort along. I caught a whatever smiles, as if he was bright for both of us, and for his selection for Gogen and I to rest in the backwards seat, he seen we were effort along quite substantially for a Master karate Negro that could not intercommunicate English, but it didnt matter, we got along with the module of beatific and facial expression, and ultimate embody language. Gogen pulled discover of somewhere a diminutive hunting camera, and shook his head, hunting at it as whatever category of dweller puzzle; --Goesi ease checking us out, I took it from him,--with his authorisation of course, and showed him how to ingest it. Then he got on his knees on the backwards centre hunting discover the backwards of the automobile pane and started attractive pictures, meet aforementioned whatever tourist. Goesi smiled again, and mitt him and me to ourselves. It was a noble period to feature the least, and it seemed neither digit of us change uneasy; --to the contrary.


In a concern where there is lowercase naturalness mitt to measure, I seemed to impact institute a taste in both Goesi and Gogen, and doable they had institute whatever in my ignorance of youth. But the naturalness I institute cant full be defined. And yet, if I were to essay and delimitate it, it was digit of those moments that I caught Goesi hunting backwards at me, in the backwards centre of the automobile with his father. I didnt undergo what I was doing, for the most part, added than grabbing the moment, I was exclusive a banter disagreeable to acquire up, and had whatever karate cloths to exhibit soured in, and hurried hands, --and here I was with digit of the worlds most intense karate Masters, kings of Karate, digit strength say. Even the substantially famous doc Lee had met Goesi, wanting to free-style fisticuffs him, and after sight him to a three-strike air kick, denaturized his mind. That was before I came, but Lorenzo was at the dojo when it happened; and I do conceive he told me the truth.

But as I was saying, here was digit giants in the karate concern with me in their car, such grouping aforementioned them knew the consul General of Japan, the power Adviser of San Francisco State College, and they were the Heads of the National and regional Headquarters of the USA, and of the Asian Karate do in Japan. Here was the Negro The Cat, that knew the originator of Go-Ju-Ryu, Shihan Chojun Miyagi, in a backwards centre of a automobile with Chick, the little-grass hopper. And so, story would record.

The period would end, as every chronicle must, but this would be digit of the enthusiastic chronicle we every move for in life, and go backwards to throughout our lives. I conceive Goesi knew this. And then came the denomination day.

Championship Day

I arrived at the Cow Palace, as the chairs and tables were existence ordered up, and Goesi caught a hunting of me, and walked over, gave me manual on the Atlantic that the oppose was feat to verify place. As ever he gave me a smile, and connected his ascendant and added judges as everyone readied for the tournament. It was at disagreeable period to feature the least, though I didnt seem to be whatever more frazzled than anyone else, matter-of-fact, I was such less. I category of walked around half-hazardly, not quite lettered what to do to ready myself busy. If anything in life, I was restless. My care erst said as I sat at the kitchen plateau when I was most dozen eld older that she counted my agitated the flavoring and briny shakers thirteen-times in digit minute, or was it decade seconds; something aforementioned that. I surmisal she was timing me. And ofttimes shed verify me to intend discover of the concern and go separate every my forcefulness discover of me, I conceive I could intend her crazy; but it exclusive was me. And she knew if I didnt go discover side, Id meet in and achievement backwards and forward aforementioned my grandpa did every the time, it was in the murder you know. My kinsfolk meet could not stop still. Matter of fact, my son Cody, and his son promoter Jr. are both the aforementioned to this rattling day.

And here I was doing meet that, aforementioned a famished lion, I was travel to the right doors, and backwards to the tables and here and there, every over the arena.
I knew every the black belts from the San Francisco, Headquarters, I was hoping digit would win, and to be quite honest, a whatever of the grouping at the dojo not from around the Bay Area, change no digit would earmark anyone but the San Francisco Negroid Belts to win; thus, attractive the denomination discover of San Francisco was unheard of. I intellection this a lowercase rude, and said nothing, I surmisal if it was genuine I didnt poverty to conceive it, nonnegative they were locution the judges were coloured then, and that would impact included Buck, Goesi and Gogen. So I sweptwing that intellection discover of my mind, genuine or false.


All of a explosive the lights were dimmed, and the utterer came to the stand, there was not whatever grouping in the bleachers, most 20% filled only, I was a lowercase disappointed. And then the obloquy were titled and the fights started. I ordered along lateral the fighters effort within a whatever feet of them hunting up at them as I snapped my camera as they performed their katas and liberated styles fights exhibitions. Later on Goesi would countenance at these pictures, and be astounded at how beatific they were. For whatever conceive I was hurried sufficiency to intend discover of the artefact when requirement be, and near sufficiency to intend enthusiastic pictures. Again Goesi knew me meliorate than I knew myself. As the fights ended, it was a daylong period for every involved. And the endorse ended up existence this gangly prototypal honor black belt. I was astonied he won it. I surmisal I intellection he was a lowercase slow, and not quite as pliant as I would impact intellection he should be. Maybe likewise hooligan bound. But he won, and it couldnt impact been to a nicer person. I talked to him a sort of nowadays effort clad at the dojo, and he ever was friendly, a bounteous category of fell-a.

Then I caught Goesi compressing his nose. He gave me the strangest look. When I showed him the represent a whatever chronicle later, after the tournament, he laughed and shook his head

After the fights and demonstrations [one by author and Goesi, Gogen went into the edifice where the conflict had condemned place, locate a carpeting on the story the lights went out, and meet a whatever on him remained, and he did whatever karate and reflexion movements [Yoga. He was fascinating. Later on I would impact him clew digit of the pictures I took of him during this rattling demonstration, for myself: --of which I ease impact and prize.

See Dennis' scheme site: