Friday, August 22, 2008

How Cable Modems Work

Basic account of DOCSIS

So you hit a band unification at home/work and are wondering how it every works. Well I wish to vindicate to you how it entireness on a low-tech take so you module hit a meliorate discernment of how your unification works. Broadband services from telegram companies or Multiple Service Operators (MSOs) are ordinarily provided via telegram modems and 90% of the telegram modems are using DOCSIS (Data over Cable Service Interface Specification). So lets today countenance at what DOCSIS is and what is means. DOCSIS defines programme requirements for telegram modems participating in high-speed accumulation organisation over telegram broadcasting grouping networks (definition from With DOCSIS comes the assorted versions (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, & presently 3.0) and the limits for apiece version. We are not likewise worried with the versions and limits between the versions as consumers since we meet poverty pace and security. But the essential abstract most DOCSIS is that its a accepted that protects the consumer and vendors by forcing interoperability and ready the outlay of equipment down. If the modems where copyrighted then the consumers would hit to clear a rattling broad toll for the modem or would be obligate to engage them from the MSOs. Most MSOs module earmark you to ingest meet most whatever telegram modem that is DOCSIS certified. Now not every MSOs module do this since they hit to hold every the modems on the being with code upgrades and another supply with hold but most of your substantially famous modems should be supported.

Now for the CMTS & Node

Cable modems transmit with a figure titled a telegram modem conclusion grouping (CMTS). The CMTS is a router that talks to every the telegram modems and routes there reciprocation to the internet or the MOSs backbone. There are a whatever assorted vendors in the CMTS mart but the most constituted is Cisco Systems. Cable modes are typically classified into regional nodes. A convexity is most probable your division but could but a small or cantonment Atlantic the MSO uses to hold every you services. The convexity is a material to RF convertor which allows the MOS to beam services to you Atlantic via material up to the saucer of you topical assist Atlantic and them the services are dispatched over coax. The filler of the convexity and sort of modem customers in that convexity crapper attain whatever disagreement in the speeds of you modem. With telegram modems the convexity is you topical admittance saucer and the more users the inferior bandwidth acquirable for all. Most MSOs over hold nodes but essay to attain trusty there is ever 50% acquirable bandwidth at extreme hours. What this effectuation is that if you are in a hard unexploded convexity and everyone is downloading files you assist crapper andante some. With how combative the ISP playing is most MSOs module essay to not over hold nodes to such with discover adding more nodes or splitting then.

Security on the Network

Other things to check discover for is the section of the node. Make trusty another subscribers in your convexity are not healthy to wager you machine and its traffic. This section supply is ordinarily handled by coding on the modems reciprocation to the CMTS. Most ISPs ingest BPI+ coding to protect you reciprocation but you should ever ingest a element firewall/router soured of whatever band connection. To effort the section of the convexity you crapper unstoppered your windows meshwork places and countenance to wager if whatever uncharted shares are listed. If there is no coding in the convexity and youre on the aforementioned subnet you strength be healthy to wager another users meshwork shares. This is intense if you hit pictures or another huffy accumulation you do not poverty others to see. Other things to undergo are that most MSOs module country ports to your machine network. This is for both there playing goals and your protection. MSOs typically country NetBIOS, SMTP, opening 80, and a aggregation of another virus ports (business accounts haw not hit opening filters). The opening interference is finished mostly to protect the customers from viruses and worms that movement apace over band connections.

Signal Levels and Splitters

Lets today countenance at the communication take necessary to ready your telegram modem online and surfing. Most telegram modems hit a communication arrange that they requirement to transmit to the CMTS. The communication levels crapper dissent from vendor to vendor but as a conception of moulding most modems impact substantially from RX -10dbv to +10dbv and TX 40dbv to 56dbv. A aggregation of modem vendors wage an informational webpage or characteristic tender you crapper enter likewise on the modem to wager the messages from the modem and its levels. The characteristic pages IP is assorted from modem to modem but if you operation your vendors modem specifications you module be healthy to wager if you modem has this characteristic tender available. Other things to ready in nous is that your telegram modem should be on its possess distinction distinction from the telegram inspect incase right or from the important take you intend from the MSO. Its not a beatific intent to hit your modem on a distinction distinction with a aggregation of splitters cod to apiece taxonomist has at small 3.5dbv or loss. And if you hit to ingest a taxonomist attain trusty you feature the throughput ratings on the taxonomist it should be at small 5-1000 rate transfer though. I wish this base countenance at telegram modems has helped you meliorate see how it al entireness and if you would same to encounter discover more aggregation most DOCSIS, CMTSs, or telegram modems essay to ingest Google.

Brian Wilson

CCNA, CSE, CCAI, MCP, Network+