Friday, October 6, 2017

A Very Fall Windfall

Hired Fall is in full swing. That means it's time to… break out the same old thrift store flannel from last year? No, of course not. You want to feel fresh as a newly-picked apple this fall.
Make Like A Tree And Leaf Your Old Life Behind
You want to feel fresh as a newly-picked apple this fall. We all do.

Don't worry; it's not just you. Temperatures are dropping. Leaves are falling. Radio pop music is getting moodier. Fall is in full swing. That means it's time to… break out the same old thrift store flannel from last year?

No, of course not. You want to feel fresh as a newly-picked apple this fall. We all do. But buying a new wardrobe/wine collection/furniture set is a little too expensive to pull off each time the seasons change.

That's where Digg comes in. We're giving away an avalanche of gift cards that will (pumpkin) spice up your life. That includes:

• $200 toward a new watch from AVI-8
• $200 worth of Maison Noir Wines
• $300 to makeover your life at Kaufmann Mercantile
• $250 to knock out all your holiday shopping in one go at Cool Material
• $250 to get something truly one of a kind at Custom Consortium
• A $200 AmEx giftcard to spend on whatever you want, wherever you want

That's… *quickly counts on fingers* $1,400 worth of prizes that will be sure to make this fall an autumn to remember.


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