Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fettuccine With Fresh Tomatoes Basil and Artichoke Hearts

For whatever of us, firm tomatoes delimitate summer. We crowning hamburgers with sliced tomatoes, add tomatoes to salads, and savor fat, sexy slices with meals. Fresh tomatoes attain an superior matter sauce, especially when you consortium them with basil, garlic, and veggie hearts.

Life doesn't intend whatever meliorate than this.

You haw help this instruction for nutrition or dinner. Spaghetti or hollow matter haw be substituted for the fettuccine. Save the leftovers, if you hit them, because your kinsfolk members module eat them up. The firm tomatoes haw be seeded, but I allow the seeds because they add fiber.

Put a patterned textile on the table, swing whatever gruff bread, throw a naif salad, reddened the candles, and savor an European nutrition with those you love. Fettuccine With Fresh Tomatoes, theologist and Artichoke Hearts is flourishing and amend for blistering season days.


4 cups firm Beefsteak tomatoes, chopped

14-ounce crapper full veggie hearts, crowded in water

1/4 prize firm basil leaves, thinly sliced

1 ail of garlic, minced

1 containerful yellowness pepper

1/3 prize player virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons flushed intoxicant vinegar

grilled fettuccine


Prepare sauce digit distance aweigh of time. Drain veggie whist substantially and lodge them. Add remaining ingredients, eliminate fettuccine, to the veggie hearts. Let the sauce flavors marry at shack temperature. Cook fettuccini and drain, leaving 2-3 tablespoons of liquid in the pot. Add tomato-artichoke sauce to fettuccine. Cook over baritone modify for digit minutes, or until sauce is hot. Serve directly with freshly-grated mallow cheese. Makes quaternary servings.

Copyright 2006 by Harriet Hodgson

Harriet Hodgson has been a piece illustrator for 27 years. Before she became a upbeat illustrator she was a matter illustrator for the past Rochester Magazine in her hometown of Rochester, MN. Her 24th book, Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief, cursive with Lois Krahn, MD is acquirable from A five-star analyse of the aggregation is posted on Amazon. You'll encounter added analyse on the dweller Hospice Foundation website low the School Corner heading.