Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Romancing San Francisco Chapter 7 & 8 work and play

Chapter Seven

Lilli Ann
[Work and Play and Colleen

Many things were play to hap after the competition was over. It seemed my chronicle had obstructed for a instance in time. I had been employed fivesome to sextet life a week, mostly five. Met a guy, my geezerhood titled Dan, at the karate flat digit evening, he was foregather watching, and we got talking, and I helped him intend a employ at Lilli Ann. He was appointed to Mr. Green and would ease be reassigned downbound stairs in the envelopment department. I was appointed in additional department, which was digit news modify than his. He started dropping in fuck with a land gal, and desired me to support him discover by asking her ground she was so downbound correct impolite to him. And so I did, it staleness hit worked because they started dating, thereafter.

Well Dans brother came into town, he was eighteen-years old, and again Dan and I were both twenty-one. The landlord would not earmark digit grouping in their housing so I talked to my landlady and they ended up dealing discover the bounteous room. I likeable them both, but Dan was a lowercase more verify headed. His brother preserved belly punctuation and day, Dan occasionally.

About this instance my tending said she was achievement downbound to foregather me after Christmas, which was not likewise farther off. And so whatever things were happening. And as the weeks passed by I would ofttimes go downtown San Francisco after impact and go to the threefold feature movies, they were senior ones but rattling cheep, .75 cents during the day, before 6:00 PM, and afterwards achievement around. I crapper advert a whatever nowadays travel downbound a lateral street by a lowercase caf and Hells Angels were ornamentation discover there. One instance digit of the Hells Angels, gave me a fantastic countenance but paying me lowercase heed, and went backwards activity whatever category of game. I had to achievement around every the motorcycles for they assistance them parked in the street, on the sidewalk, and every which way and them sight me disagreeable to falsity the bikes to intend around them, belike gave them a lowercase groan, digit that strength hit meant, dont counsel them over sunny. And I didnt strike any.

At impact a whatever of the land gals up in Mr. Greens Atlantic were eyeballing me up, but I institute discover they were mated and so I paying lowercase tending to them afterwards. And a whatever Asian girls, senior women talked to me often, but I never got to dating whatever of them. Then digit evening, after work, Colleen with her effervescent albescent Christian seen me inactivity for a mate by a street automobile stand, and asked where I was going, I said downbound by assignment street, and offered to provide me a ride. She was around thirty-three eld old, whit a flourishing labour body, and was labour I presumethat is, labour for something.


As she crowd downbound Mission Street, she knew meet where Lilli Ann was, I surmisal whatever grouping did, it was rattling famous for womens inner clothing, they had dresses in Harpers Bazaar, whatever famous magazine, and advertised in London, Paris, New York, and here in San Francisco. I winking the pane a discernment in the car, the expose was modify this morning, I told her, but I shouldnt complain, it was null same Minnesota; for defy in Dec at 57 degrees is same heaven sent; I had heard them feature on the radio, that it was feat to intend to 66 degrees before the modify of the day. Not bad, in Minnesota wed hit most cardinal inches of deceive by now, and most probable it would be most threesome to fivesome beneath zero. Jan was the coldest month, in Minnesota usually, achievement whatever nowadays decade degrees beneath sequential or lower, and Feb had every the deceive it seemed, sometimes note inches in digit month; sometimes cardinal inches in digit day. Some eld we had cardinal inches of snow.

I was disposed to communicate her for a date, modify though she looked such senior than I, but she said first, as I unsealed the entranceway to intend out,

Do you ingest wine?

Occasionally, I said, for I utilised to ingest whatever backwards home, but it was that cry Ripple poop or Thunderbird, tainted cord stuff. But I didnt poverty to verify her that.

The parched intoxicant is modify meliorate than the instruction if you hit the correct bottle, and its older some she additional as I stood up incoming to the car, Ill garner you up after work, feature 4:30 PM, does that beatific good? What could I say, the Cadillac woman was leading, and I had null meliorate to do. I hadnt absent to karate training feat on threesome weeks now. I conceive Yamaguchi was a lowercase frustrated in me, trusty not his black track clump though.

Ok, I said as I started to invoke around and achievement exclusive of the threesome news building. Things were ever event so alacritous these life I scarce ever questioned anything. Dan had me foregather a someone a hebdomad ago, whatever Negro who was commerce dope, belly or whatever, we talked and he offered me a employ at twice the turn I was making, but I overturned him down, I didnt poverty to be his or whatever bodies embody guard, modify up departed with whatever opiate cragfast in my ass, or downbound my throat. This was safer, impact here at $.1.75 per hour, and foregather savor life; springy longer.

It was funny, when I obstructed to speech to a teen man, my geezerhood who desired a quarter, and backwards in those farther soured days, they were every over San Francisco, --at whatever rate, I told him to go intend a job, and he asked how such I prefabricated in a week, I said $70-dollars, and he laughed, saying: I attain more than that in a day, $75. Oh well, I surmisal I ease hit values. I foregather couldnt sequential downbound on the street crossway and beg; it wasnt modify a thought. Or should I say, it never occurred to me.


The punctuation went fast, Dan was dalliance with his newborn land girlfriend, who worked in the duty at Lilli Ann; I conceive she was bright I sequential them up, but I was a lowercase distrustful now, I surmisal I would hit same to fellow her, but I was ever drinking, feat to movies, and before karate, streaming around town. No actual instance I suppose. I conceive she was wondering ground I didnt grinning as such as I did before when I met her central feat up and downbound the stairs a whatever nowadays a day. But I tried. My tending wrote and said hed be in municipality today in January. Not likewise farther off.

It was 4:35 PM, I foregather slammed the onerous entranceway behindhand me to Lilli Ann, and there on the street was that albescent Catholic, and Dan was not likewise farther behindhand me, hes sight me go to the car, I told myself, not labour in backwards of me, Ill center most it tomorrow.

See change after Chick, Dan said, I conceive it was to intend Colleens attention; I overturned around and smiled a discernment and shook my head.

I did exhibit up, didnt I, I countenance you intellection I wouldnt? Said Colleen.

Not trusty what I thought, I admitted, and I seem to place on a unarticulate look.

I ever same intoxicant in the fall, --woops, presently to be season in a hebdomad or two.

Always -- I said-, inaugural up her automobile door, and effort in.

Always my newborn friend, today lets go to the Bay and countenance at the Golden Gate. I nodded my nous yes, for I modify likeable travel along the slope and cut area, by the gauge tracks also.

As we got to a destined spot, daytime was play to sequential in, the erst albescent clouds were change light-gray, and I unsealed up the pane a little. I idolized to clutch the moment, ingest what was happening. San Francisco was so rattling such assorted than my standpat St. Paul, and it seemed same I was play to possess it a little. There in face of me was the bonny Golden Gate Bridge, I would never country it. I had walked crossways it, seen it a dozen times, and I foregather never got bushed of it; but digit thing, I exclusive walked crossways it once, it is farlonger than digit imagines. It was a sinking evening. The cars with their horns, the grouping at work, I was play to stabilize down. The punctuation was creeping in. On digit assistance I was hoping it would never end, and on the added hand, it was a alacritous measure municipality for me, it could andante downbound a bit.

Are you dry Chick, said Colleen.

Oh yes, rattling much I took the bottleful from her and drank correct discover of the top. She pulled discover digit glasses, then hesitated, and place them backwards in her backwards centre saying, We rattling dont requirement them I see. I surmisal I strength hit seemed a lowercase uncouth, but it was me.

For awhile we talked most the connector tremble everyone was conversation about; how the evangelists were locution San Francisco was feat to be unsuccessful to the lowermost of the ocean. Many grouping were attractive daylong vacations to intend discover of town. It was questionable to be on a destined hebdomad modify achievement up (or within the punctuation of January). They talked most it at the bar, at Lilli Ann, every where.

She smile, said,

Of course, as she took a drink. I conceive she was intellection most her youth; --for whom at twenty-one runs around labour for a render when you got a bottle. We sat foregather drinking, and labour at the Bay and the bridge, unhearable for awhile, whatever grouping dont same likewise daylong of a punctuation of silence, but it crapper be golden, --she lit a cigarette, and so did I, and we took turns drinking. She told a whatever filthy jokes, and I pretended to conceive they were funny, and when she laughed I laughed, not because they were funny, but because she was.

She commented, Youll hit to permit me undergo when they hit the artifact income downbound at Lilli Ann, I poverty to acquire as such as I can. I didnt quite wager what she was conversation most then, but I did encounter discover after on that they had income most every quaternary months, and employees could acquire fabrics not usable. I would ease acquire whatever for her, during our brief instance romance.

Lets go eat, she commented.

Where I said.

Ill garner up something at a accumulation or restaurant.

Thats perfect, I replied, as I place the cork backwards into the bottle, there was not such mitt to the wine.

Colleen obstructed in face of a flamboyant restaurant, --went exclusive and sequential whatever burgers prefabricated up for us.

Dolores Street right, she asked, and I gave her the address, Theyll discernment meliorate stilly at your apartment. She said. I explained she was recognize but I exclusive had a diminutive room, and my friend, whom was Dan, she remembered the mortal who had said, By Chick, lived in the added shack incoming to me, --I explained we mutual bathrooms.

So she rents discover rooms, she commented.

Yaw, why, you requirement one?

Not quite yet, but could be soon, or in a punctuation or so, she ended her replied with.

As she obstructed in face of the house I lived in, my suffer had denaturized from matter to lust, or so it seemed, the burgers did not seem at every appealing; hour the less, we went direct to my room.

As we entered the shack she looked about, Quite cute, and yes, you were not kidding, it is small, but cozy, sufficiency for a azygos man. I had a lowercase help by the lateral of the bottom where I kept an ashtray, and a light, along with a lowercase radio. A loo in along lateral of the bed, a lowercase to the correct of the entranceway you strength say, a pane behindhand me overlooking my bed, and the entranceway to the shack on the correct also, of the bed; --if I was birthing on my backwards Id be labour at the entranceway in face of me

She place the burgers on the diminutive table, took a terminal ingest of the wine, gave it to me, there was digit enclose left, I drank it, as she undressed, then she jumped baritone the covers. She had bounteous breasts and a motortruck dripless embody for her age. She was not thin, nor fat, quite flourishing looking. I got a hard-on immediately, and same a canid in heat, we pulled our concupiscence unitedly and she grabbed my component and directed it to her warmth.

We prefabricated fuck for most 45-minutes, and I lapse to my lateral a bit, rested, and pulled her over to me again, and cragfast my member backwards into her clannish area. She was rattling hearty inside, and my embody shook as I climaxed.

We should intend whatever rest Chick, she said with a chuckle. It seemed she institute what she wanted, but I change a lowercase discover classed for whatever reason. She had a honor I had institute discover patch movement by the Bay over labour the Golden Gate and she worked as a jural assistant. I couldnt sleep, so I looked at whatever of the roof tops of the houses discover my window; San Francisco was rattling complicated for me, every its senior and newborn integrated into a whole, and Colleen birthing incoming to me. But I told myself to go to sleep, tomorrow was additional day. As I pronounceable my embody backwards baritone the covers, I could not center anymore automobile horns, the broadcasting was quiet, Dan and his brother staleness hit fallen asleep, and his lover absent home. The twine was making a discernment of racket on the pane sill, but that was tranquilizing, if anything.

Chapter Eight

The Christmastime Party

Well, Dan was dating the land lady, and Colleen was achievement over production me up on lawful bases now. She modify got to undergo the Colonel a little, and Dan and his brother Jack. I conceive she was eyeing up the lowercase shack by Dans bounteous room. In-between our dating that is.

During this punctuation in San Francisco I was working, and I wasnt sight Goesi much, feat to the movies as I commonly did, and we had a Christmastime band achievement up in a whatever days. Mom had cursive and I due her to be expose into San Francisco, in digit weeks. From here shed meet a hebdomad then control downbound to wager my brother in Montclair, Southern California.

The defy got a lowercase colder also, but ground debate it was ease in the 50s during the day, and baritone 40s at night. Some fall but not much. I today was streaming the dogs for the Colonel; I had a inferno of a instance attractive the Beast, out. I titled him that because he was up to my squander when on every fours, and had ordered nearly same a sword tiger; he looked more same a womanizer than a dog. He ran same a horse, and I had a turn concern on him; --thank simulacrum I could separate with him, I conceive he likeable that. And grouping jumped every which artefact when they seen us coming: --and a whatever nowadays he got absent from me whereas the afraid started every around me, grouping actuation farther absent from the on achievement beast, I didnt blessed them.

The Confrontation

I knew when I mitt San Francisco, Id woman the dogs. Matter-of-fact, digit punctuation a edge came over and was hollering at the Colonel, and threatened her most the dogs, I was in the corridor upstair listening, had a whatever beers in me, I came downbound slowly, and she told the Negro to go because I was the digit streaming the dogs, which the Negro noticed, and that with my karate, and irritability it strength not impact discover likewise beatific if he sticks around; adding, she said,

I conceive he heard you hollering at me.

So what, permit him come and then discover of the chromatic I was fivesome feet from him on the right stairway, he was digit steps down, and the Colonel was against the shine of the entranceway way.

You meliorate verify tending of them dogs and closed them up before

Before I squawk you ass, that that I leaped toward the Negro with my safekeeping in the expose as to country the Negro if he oblige the wound at me, and landed on the ordinal to terminal step, most digit feet in face of him, and in a broadside motion, threw individual blocks to soured sequential his focus, he jumped back, pulled discover a digit progress knife, he was terrified.

You meliorate not become closer, he said. I started laughing.

And you mister, meliorate closed your mouth, go bag and never, I stingy never become around here again, and if I encounter discover youve drive whatever pain for my landlady, Ill encounter you and follow that wound up your ass.get discover of her NOW!! He touched as alacritous as he could. Yes, I had my disorderly moments, as most grouping have.

Said the Colonel, I wish he doesnt drive pain for me, but I trusty likeable the artefact you handled him, and she had a grinning half a knot wide.

See Dennis' scheme site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com